Mission, Vision, Values

Bloordale Baseball Mission, Vision, Values

To ensure that participation in baseball is safe, fun and friendly for the children by leading, teaching and organizing and through teamwork, integrity, honesty, quality and commitment to Bloordale Baseball League values.

Volunteers should be aware of the following:

  • roles, responsibilities and tasks
  • schedule and commitment
  • skills, experience requirements
  • orientation, training and other support available
  • standards of activities, i.e. never alone with a child on the field or providing transportation, or accommodation at tournaments; no team practice without another adult present being a role model by avoiding drugs, alcohol, smoking, abusive or profane language; wearing appropriate attire
  • screening process for volunteers without children includes application and PRC screening form

Qualities of a Coach

Leadership – team commitment; leads by example; respects players, peers, officials, opponents; consistent in decision making; gives assistants responsibilities and input (on and off the field); punctual.

Administrator – pre-practice and pre-game planning; organized on field; communicates with parents about games, schedules, practices, etc.

Motivator – understanding, encouraging, praises effort, builds player confidence

Teacher / Coach – develops player potential; provides individual help; provides constructive feedback in games and practices; receptive to new ideas and suggestions; good quality practices

Communicator – ability to communicate effectively with coaching staff, players, parents and umpires

Desired Results

Players having fun and being eager to attend practices and games, players improving their baseball skills, players challenged to be the best they can be on the field, building new friendships with teammates.

Have Any Questions?

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Pro Teach